The Tech Company Diversity in Silicon Valley

We visualized EEO-1 report of the largest tech companies headquartered in Silicon Valley

By Zheru Jiang, Yixin Duan, Shuangke Li, David Howard

Let’s look at all the employees who work for the 24 named companies in the silicon valley. There are 375,780 employees in total. We use each dot to represent 100 people in the graph.

The job categories these companies reported includes:



Professionals (includes engineers, analysts, designers, web developers, lawyers and other professionals)

Other workers (includes administrative support, laborers and helpers, sales workers, technicians, craft workers, operatives).

Among all 375,780 employees, there are only 3768 executives, who have made their way to the top 1% of leadership in the 24 companies.

Bellow executives, 55380 managers (14.74% of the population) secured their places in the top 15.74% of leadership

The majority of the employees can find their places between the 15.74 percentile to the 72.5 percentile of leadership.

If we draw a Y-axis to represent the leadership percentile. Executives will be drawn over the top 1% and other workers will be placed at the bottom. Let’s also separate male and female employees, and map our dots along the axis.

If we draw a Y-axis to represent the leadership percentile. Executives will be drawn over the top 1% and other workers will be placed at the bottom. Let’s also separate male and female employees, and map our dots along the axis.

Next, we can color the dots by employee’s race.

Let’s see if we can find your your place in these companies. Below are the 24 tech companies who reported their diversity in EEO-1 report in 2016. Each square represents 100% of their employees. The total number of employees is written.

Now let's see how many positions are filled by employees.

Among all the employees, how many of them are ?

Sort by current selection

Check out more details! You can hover on each company's glyph to learn more about their demographics.

Gender Ratio

Distribution on Job Categories